Silicium is the latest addition to the hair care ingredients lengthy list. It is in the spotlight and a lot is being claimed about its benefits in hair growth, shine, and reduction in hair loss. Are these claims true?
What’s Silicium?
Silicium is also called silicon dioxide. It is a non-metallic chemical compound of silicon and oxygen. It is present in the green leafy plants. You can even buy them in gel, oil, and supplement forms.
The body needs silicon for collagen synthesis necessary to enhance skin elasticity and strength. It even maintains hair shine and prevents hair fall. However, there is no evidence supporting the claim about silicium promotes hair growth. It helps to nourish hair follicles as well as increase hair strength and control hair fall.
Fortisil OSA” capsules contain silicium and choline, which are helpful in pattern baldness. Fortisil is a unisex product that helps in hair thickening and skincare. You can buy Fortisil capsules online for creating protective layer at the follicles and avert further breakouts.
Benefits of silicium supplement for hair care
Potential to prevent hair fall
Silicium has the potential to indirectly influence hair health. Studies report that silicium is crucial to maintain hair strength and has the potential to prevent hair fall. To enhance the silicon level in your hair as well as prevent hair thinning take silicium capsules.
Enhances tensile strength
Research reports suggest that ch-OSA [choline-stabilized orthosilic acid] supplements improve tensile strength and hair structure in females with fine hair. Ch-OSA is amorphous structure of silicium. It helps to enhance hair elasticity and hair loss, which results in thick hair.
Silicium is available in legumes, cereals, fruits, and leafy green veggies. It is even added to health drinks and mineral water. However, supplement is a comfortable way to add silicium to the diet. It is easily accessible from health food stores, drug stores, and online. You can buy Fortisil OSA” online.
Different forms of silicium products
For hair health oral silicium supplements can be used. They are available in powder, gel, and capsule form. Choose any form you prefer but ensure to consult your physician to find out if your body lacks silicon.
There are shampoos, conditioners, and hair care products, which include silicon as an ingredient. There is hardly any research to support topical silicon efficacy.
Nevertheless, a small study published in PLoS Journal stated that silicium supplements were given to a group of male participants at a 9 gm. dosage per day. There were no side effects or signs of risk experienced. FDA has approved silicon as a food additive and not medication. You can buy Fortisil OSA” without any prescription.
What is the right dosage of silicium supplements?
Generally, silicium supplements are prescribed for treating issues associated with skin, bone, joints, and hair. Therefore it is sensible to consult a doctor to determine the right dosage. It is recommended that adults can take 5 to 20 mg per day. The results will be visible within 4 to 5 weeks. It not just adds shine but even locks moisture and controls frizzes. Your skin looks radiant and your nails get strong!
Never use silicon if you are allergic, pregnant, or breastfeeding. If you have medical conditions talk with your physician.