Decide if you want a civil or religious wedding with your partner. Both forms of weddings need documentation, especially if one or both of the bride and groom are not Spanish. Also, if you choose a religious ceremony, don’t forget about the “weddings spain.”

Date flexibility for better budgeting

Some couples have a very definite idea of when they want to get married, or at least what month or season they want to get married in. If there is a financial limit, however, some flexibility is preferable because fewer dates would be sought, making them more cheap. This is especially essential when you have a large guest list that you can’t cut down on and a restricted budget.

Select the city in which the wedding will be held

You must pick the place once you have decided on the type of wedding and the date. It is usually preferable to pick the domicile of one or both partners since administrative requirements are less complicated. Before making this option, consider the benefits and drawbacks, as not all guests will be able or willing to travel, especially if the wedding falls on a weekday.

Experiment with your wedding guest list

Many couples still choose for a wedding list for wedding planners Spain, but if it’s a remarriage, or if the bride and groom have been together for some time or live together, they’re unlikely to require the types of presents that wedding lists provide. As a result, you will be able to innovate. Although there are alternative possibilities, cash and cash are nearly always beneficial. Many websites now provide alternatives, such as a honeymoon or merely a vacation, a supper in a three-Michelin-star restaurant, or other luxurious experiences. Simply go to the website in question and make a monetary donation.

Send out the invites well ahead of time

After you’ve decided on a location and a date, it’s a good idea to send out invitations as soon as possible (these days, there are more affordable or free ways to alert people, such as SMS or WhatsApp or a social media message, but they’re certainly less formal and unsavory) so you know exactly how many people will attend.

How and with whom should guests be seated?

Knowing how and where to seat the visitors is one of the most essential components. This isn’t an issue if the event is a reception or a cocktail party, when visitors can mingle with anyone they choose. At a banquet table and tablecloth, however, this is not the case. What is customary is for individuals from the same family, friends of one or both of the entrepreneurs, and coworkers to sit together; in all, they may always alternate after the dinner during the dance and free bar. It is, nevertheless, useful to spend time with your spouse analysing the space layout. When in question about hard-to-categorize consumers, it’s preferable to get the help of someone who is more familiar with them.

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