The whole concept of speed dating is very enthralling. During the chain of short dates that last for only a couple of minutes, the participants assess the series of eligible singles during speed dating.

This makes us wonder about what will be the future of speed dating?

Let’s discuss!!

What Is Speed Dating?

Speed dating is a very recent concept. It was first started in 1998 as a method for singles to meet several potential partners simultaneously in the same place. Yaacov Deyo first introduced the idea of speed dating, and since then, it has been a fascinating way for singles to meet new people.

In a speed dating event, the dates are planned to meet as many as possible. You will be given 5-10 minutes to form an impression of your promising date. And you will get to decide whether you want to meet that person again or not at the end of the event. There are also many pros and cons of speed dating.

How Does It Work?

Most speed dating events follow the same rule. Participants or interested people must sign up for the event and be invited to the venue.

  • Tables in the event are set up in a manner so that women in groups can sit. Once the bell or signal is presented, the men will sit at opposite tables for 5-10 minutes with each lady participant. When the bell rings again, the men will move to the next table for another short date. By doing this, each man and woman will meet and speak to each other for once.
  • In the event, every participant has given a scorecard. When your date changes, you will have to fill the scorecard with the name of your data and how will you rate them and whether you will meet them again or not.
  • At the end of the event, the organizers will collect all the scorecards and match up the scorecards. The organizers will put up the couples in contact who mutually identified each other as their potential date.

The Future Of Speed Dating

This rapid dating method has gained enormous popularity, mainly because it’s successful. Many companies and event organizers organize speed dating events every day because of their demand and popularity.

The reasons why speed dating is popular are-

  • First, it allows you to meet your possible date face-to-face. So you will have a chance to analyse all the intangible qualities and experience the chemistry between the person and you.
  • The pressure is very little on a speed date because you don’t have to spend a long time together. You don’t have to reveal whether you are interested in the next meet-up or not. The organisers will do the job for you.
  • If you don’t like someone, you won’t get stuck with them, as in every 5 minutes the potential date changes.
  • Most importantly, you will meet lots of people at the same time. So you will have many choices and exciting opportunities.

Speed dating has been the beginning of many long term relationships. It has an 80% match rate that makes it thrive across the world. Thus, we can say that speed dating is the future of dating for singles around the globe. So, for the question- what will be the future of speed dating? The answer is straightforward- it has a very bright and eminent future.

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