As it is rightly said, a penny saved is a penny earned. It is essential to save money to have a more comfortable life. By saving money, we can invest them in better ways to have a luxurious life. Moreover, we must cut down on our unnecessary expenses. Otherwise, they become bad habits. This may lead us to bad economic status. But with little changes in our lifestyle, we can save a fair amount of money.
Following are the ways to save money in Singapore :
- Try SIM-Only Mobile Plans
Unlike the conventional two-year mobile contracts, the SIM-only plans are more personalised and dynamic. Moreover, they charge less for more data. They come at a very affordable price. So, you should switch to SIM-only mobile plans so that you can save a good amount of money.
Singtel, Starhub, M1, Circles, Life are some of the significant SIM-only mobile plans that are worth mentioning.
- Carry home-cooked food while at work
We usually but food from outside while we are doing our work. But we forget or ignore to realise that a significant amount of money is unnecessarily spent this way. One solution to this is to cook for Oneself and carry it to the office. Of course, it requires a significant amount of effort to cook, but this will save a lot of unnecessary expenditure. You can cook a large number of meals at one go and then store them in the refrigerator for the different types of meals in the whole day. In this way, you will also eat healthy food. And you save a great amount of money.
- Use the Eatigo App
We all love to eat outside from good restaurants and other food courts. But a lot of money is spent when we eat from such big restaurants. In this way, we can never save money. So, here is a solution for you. Install the Eatigo application that you should have. This application helps you eat in restaurants and offers you great discounts, from 10% up to 50% off your total bill. In this way, you can enjoy your favourite meal, and also you can save a lot of money. The best part of the application is that it is user friendly, and one can easily navigate it. You are required to select where you wish to dine from their list of restaurants. Then opt for the timing and discount. Then you will receive an email and SMS confirming that.
- Keep a check on your budget
It is essential to check one’s budget. Keeping track of the expenditure will help you to arrive at a proper analysis of expenditure and savings. In this way, you can cut off on your useless expenditure. You can also install certain apps which will keep track of your credit and debit card. For instance, the mint budgeting application.
- Have mutual subscriptions
One easy way to save money is to cut off on individual subscriptions and share the subscription with families and friends. For instance, you can have mutual subscriptions for Netflix, Amazon, Spotify etc. In this way, you can have entertainment, but at a less price. The unnecessary expenses will be curbed to a great extent.
So, follow all these baby steps to become successful in life. All these might appear a little awkward initially, but in the long term, you will be benefited.