If you have just found out you are suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or have already had sex, then your first reaction might be to panic and get tested for STIs. You might ask what a STI is and what exactly it means. The simple definition is an infection caused by the transfer of one kind of bacteria or another through skin contact. There are a lot more kinds of STIs out there so it’s important that you learn all you can about each one so that you know what you are dealing with and which one you should seek treatment for immediately. Of course, most STIs have no serious medical consequences, but they do add to the emotional toll on partners who are infected, so it’s good to know what you are up against so that you can protect yourself.
A visit to the doctor isn’t the only way to find out if you have STIs. If you go to a Planned Parenthood health center, for example, they will be able to take a blood sample from you and test it. In many cases the doctor will order a few tests: urine and blood samples will indicate if something is wrong, and a swab will reveal any genital bacteria on the surface of the cervix or in the mouth. This is a less intrusive way to get tested for STIs than going to the doctor’s office or a private clinic, and if you plan to become pregnant soon (within six months of being infected) you’ll want to have this done so you can monitor your progress.
For those who are not currently pregnant, a routine pap smear will also detect any abnormal pap smear or cancer. A normal pap smear will only indicate cancer or pre-cancer at a very early stage, so it’s good to have both types of testing to be sure. The problem is that many women don’t realize they have either a cancer or pre-cancer condition until it’s too late to reverse it. In addition, having abnormal pap smears doesn’t always mean that someone else has the condition; sometimes people have smears that are clear and don’t indicate anything. https://std-test-kit.com/ can show you more.
Genital warts are a good indicator that someone has anal cancer, but sometimes a person can have abnormal sex smears without any reason at all. Sometimes a woman may see a thin lump in her vaginal area that doesn’t go away when she wipes. Other women have no external changes at all, such as bleeding after sex or itching around the vagina. These are all common symptoms of internal conditions like cervical cancer, polyps, or endometriosis, and should cause a woman to visit a doctor. Some STIs may not have any symptoms at all and may never be diagnosed unless they cause serious problems.
Men shouldn’t be scared about getting tested for STIs, too. Most men get tested regularly for infections that occur in their anus, such as yeast infections and jock itch. A urinary tract infection can have similar symptoms, so men should be aware of any symptoms that don’t disappear right away. If you’re having symptoms that you think are STIs, get tested right away, so you can get the proper treatment if you have an STD. The only sure way to tell if someone has an STD is by having a blood test performed, and this is much more reliable than any other type of STI testing.
Having an exam for sexually transmitted diseases is very important for anyone who’s planning parenthood. Although it’s usually recommended for both adults and couples, it’s particularly important for women. The only sure way to know for sure if you have an STD is by taking a Pap smear, and there’s no better way to be sure than with a planned parenthood test. Your baby will need to have his or her own Pap smear every year or two, and there’s no way of knowing whether your partner has an STD without a test. Make sure you get tested for all kinds of STIs, and you’ll be able to plan a healthy pregnancy and a happy new life for you and your baby.