Many would agree that staying at a hotel or sleeping in someone else’s bed is not the same as sleeping in your bed. Whether it is because of the quality mattress from Singapore that you have or you get homesick easily, nothing compares to the feeling that you are snoozing in the bed that you love. If this is not the case for you, there might be something missing in yours.
While sleepaholics might say that as long as you can sleep on a surface, and there is nothing wrong with having a low-quality bed, people in the mattress and bed frame business would start a debate. The quality of your sleep can be directly related to the quality of your bed. When your bed starts squeaking every time that you shift into another position can wake up a light sleeper. It proves that, according to what type of sleeper you are, you should always match it with the type of mattress and bed frame you must have.
In this article, you will learn more about giving more attention to your bedroom, especially your bed frame. When you know what type of mattress is suitable for you, do you wonder what bed frame design should come with it? Let the contents of this article help you answer that!
Common Bedroom Space Problems
First and foremost, identifying the environmental problems in your bedroom will help you address why you have been having low quality sleep. It may be that you are still using a kids bed in Singapore, or you are lacking space. Either way, every problem has a solution.
To start, here are some common bedroom problems that you may have:
Too much light
Some people cannot sleep without a bit of light, but when is the light too much? When it wakes you up in the middle of the night.
There is nothing wrong with a night light as long as you use the right type. For some, the excessive light comes from their windows. Night owls need a blackout curtain or at least move their bed frame away from the Singapore sunlight.
No bedside tables
What is a bedroom without bedside tables, right? It is an additional storage space where you can place your book after a quick reading. Also, it is a place for your lamps!
In a tight bedroom, you either need to reduce the size of your mattress from Singapore or you opt for floating shelves. The downside of the latter is that they would not be on the same level as your bed, so you have to stand up to turn off the lamp.
You should consult a professional designer to help you maximise your compact bedroom.
Lack of storage
You have plenty of things that you cannot get rid of, so where will you put them in a small HDB flat? Storage is a common problem for Singapore residents. Thankfully, there are innovative solutions that can solve this problem.
A storage bed frame is a go-to for homeowners with small bedrooms. While you have your closets or cabinets for your formal wear, you can keep your casual wear on the cabinet installation of your bed frame. Not only that, but you could also purchase a gas lift bed frame where you can store your valuables right under your mattress!
Your bedroom should always be your source of comfort and not the opposite. Essentially, you must never forget the main purpose of this space. It is where you should always have a space for sleep.
Benefits of a Good Sleep
As an adult, you need at least seven hours of sleepevery night to have proper cognitive and behavioural functions. It is enough hours to help you produce quality work and, generally, have the energy to socialise with family and friends. So, you must always ensure that you have a good mattress and bed frame from Singapore to help you get enough sleep because it will give you:
Lower risk to gain weight
When you are not sleeping well, your desire to maintain a healthful lifestyle is compromised. You tend to spend your time eating junk or drinking alcohol because you no longer have the energy to watch what you eat. To avoid that, start doing good sleep habits.
Reduce the chance to develop depression
Lack of sleep is a contributing factor to depression. While it is not a cure to have a consistent good sleep, it will lower your chances of developing a mental illness. Therefore, do not hesitate to invest in your kids bed in Singapore today.
Stronger immune system
Since the dawn of time, people do not want to get sick. Scientists have developed ways to protect yourself from illnesses by boosting your immune system with vitamins and supplements. But, they have always emphasised the importance of getting a restful sleep every day to naturally fight off infection.
Why Should You Have a Bed Frame?
When it comes to getting good sleep, how would a bed frame help? Should you invest in them? There are plenty of questions that people ask to know if having a quality bed frame from Singapore is useful. To answer that question, here are some reasons why you should consider getting one for your bedroom:
Provides support
Nothing is more troubling than seeing your hundred Singapore dollar mattress lying naked on your bedroom floor. Yes, it will do its job to support you while you sleep, but does it mean that you should not give them the support they need?
A good mattress from Singapore, such as a box spring would need to have support. If not, your hardwood floor would take the scratching damages when your mattress moves around while you sleep. Give them secure housing so it would protect your floors and its quality by investing in a good bed frame as well.
Adds aesthetics
Seeing a well-designed bedroom is likened to seeing appetising food. When a meal is served in a sophisticated dish, it can make anyone want to eat it. The same goes with your bed. With a sophisticated bed frame, it would be irresistible to get some sleep on your beloved bed.
If you believe in the practices of Feng Shui, you should know that they encourage you to have a bed that is lifted above the floor. It will encourage good energy flow and circulation, unlike when your bed is stagnant on the floor. Hence, when buying your kids bed in Singapore shops, get them a bed frame as well!
Avoid mould and insects
You do not want to sleep with insects, especially bed bugs. Not only would they give you restless nights from giving you a terrible itch, but they will also put you at risk of developing anaemia.
Bed bugs thrive in the tiniest spaces on the wall and floor, but they usually like mattresses on the floor. Why? The spaces in between your mattress and the floor are nice and warm for them to live in, and they will multiply there until you clean your room regularly.
Another problem that may occur when you leave your quality mattress from Singapore on the floor is the musty mildew smell that makes sleeping unpleasant. The smell indicates that you have mould growing inside of your mattress due to germs and bacteria that it gets from the floor.
With a bed frame, you can prevent these problems from happening. Remember that living in a humid country poses more health risks to people. Doing preventive measures such as flipping your mattress and cleaning your room regularly will keep you and your family safe.
More storage
If you live with more than two family members, lack of storage can be a problem. The small spaces of Singapore apartments can make living a challenge. Inviting guests can be impossible because of all the clutter inside your space.
Well, a storage bed frame is the one for you. Having these in all of your bedrooms can provide you with a great space to store seasonal clothing, spare blankets, books, and other essentials that no longer fit in your closet. It keeps the clutter out of sight, and you can enjoy the aesthetic charm that they bring to your modern bedroom environment!
For many people, a bed frame may seem like an extra purchase that does not have a useful purpose. It is time to debunk that common misconception. Like any other expensive purchase, a quality bed frame from Singapore returns protection, stability, and aesthetic appeal to your mattress and bedroom space. Therefore, you should never hesitate to get one for yourself and your family!
Top Tips on Where to Place Your Bed
Everyone will agree that bedroom decor is one of the most exciting things that a homeowner can do. Since you will be spending most of your time here, it is only right that you put extra attention into arranging your private space.
For starters, the bed must always be in a commanding position. What does this mean? It is the part of the room where you can see the door without being in direct line with it. In Feng Shui, this is important because it allows you to be the commander of your energy and turn any situation under your control.
So, where should you place your storage bed frame in a way that follows this principle?
Centre of the longest wall
One of the ideal places to position a bed is at the centre of a wall. It will give the room focus and leaves ample space for your bedside table on both sides. Not only that, but it is also favourable in giving you flexibility when it comes to decor. Consider placing a wall art that hangs above your bed!
Utmost corner
To do a fun design for a kids bed in your Singapore home, put their bed in a corner. What is fun about this is you can tuck the bed at an angle where the edges of the bed frame are touching two walls. It forms a little triangle above that could be a cute hiding spot!
Under the window
There is significant debate over this bed placement. For one, it blocks the view of the outdoors, but it is also aesthetically pleasing to see the sunlight shining through your window to your bed. Since every person is unique when it comes to their preferences of where to place their bed, this is something that you should give a try.
Diagonal from the door
The relationship between the bed and the door is impactful. Feng Shui believes that lining your bed with the door creates negative energy that weakens you at night. As a solution, place your bed diagonally across your door!
Island position
If you have lots of space and you want to bring the focus on your quality bed frame from Singapore, go for the island bedroom layout. From the name itself, your bed will be in the centre of the room without any walls blocking in any direction. With this, you will have a seamless flow of the room and making the bed will be easier!
Quality Mattress and Bed Frames from Harvey Norman Singapore
Your mornings and nights will significantly improve when you have the right mattress and a quality bed frame from Singapore. These are the two most important elements that should be present in your bedroom. Hence, they should never be the last one on your list, and you should never settle for a compromised quality just because of the low price. Remember that you will spend most of your life in your bedroom, so make the most out of it!
At Harvey Norman Singapore, you will see a wide range of choices in terms of electrical, computers, furniture, and bedding items. They have been providing a seamless shopping experience, both offline and online, to Singapore homeowners since 1999. Thus, you are welcome to buy from their latest product lines in mattresses and bed frames to decorate your bedroom that matches your needs and decor preferences.
Today, you can visit their website to explore their catalogues and buy their products online. So, what are you waiting for? Go to right now!