On several occasions, people have walked up to divorce lawyers in MA, asking, “I want to divorce, but considering my religion, is it really okay?” Such questions are understandable for people who seek the validation of ‘faith’ for their acts. One thing to know for sure is that the law does not particularly have its rules and verdict according to religion. Of, course some laws have religion as their cheerleaders, but that is not all that there is. There are many religions in the world, of which Christianity (and its derivatives) and Islam are the most common ones. These religions, amidst other ones, have broad differences between them. Hence, there is no fixed answer to the issue of divorce from the perspective of multiple religions.
All religions watch out for humanity as much as the law. The law gives protection for humans’ wellbeing, generally. The law, like most religions, seeks peace. Even peace from troublesome and hurtful partners.
One thing that people should know is that life is the ultimate asset for anyone to have. And that is what the law predominantly protects. Hence, anything or anyone that threatens the life of a human, no matter the age, stature, or gender, they are on the opposite side of the law. An abusive relationship is in this category too.
The Dilemma
Are you stuck in the dilemma of leaving your hurtful spouse and staying in your faith for reputable worship? Well, you should know that there won’t be you to worship or offer any act of service if you die in that relationship. Also, if you have property and families that you think are valuable to you, or you are valuable to them, it is best to let the law intervene, and keep your head. There are Divorce lawyers in MA who understand the position of faith and the law, and they would help you weigh the situation, measure the impact and advise if your relationship is salvageable or if you should say farewell.
You have more values for life and faith when you are at peace than when troubled and abused. There are core values in humanity to be whatever we want to be. However, a suppressive affiliation or relationship, whether bonded by law or not, is inhumane.
Legally speaking, as long as you have proofs and documents that prove your union and support your claim and need for divorce, you can get your desired separation.
This article, of course, is not making a decision or making any recommendation for divorce or staying in an abusive relationship. It is just to make you see the need to talk to capable divorce lawyers in MA who can offer the best professional counsel.